Outlive Your Life Chapter 6 review

 Ashlyn DeBoer

Hello, my name is Ashlyn DeBoer and today I am doing a review as a book critic for chapter 6 in this book we are reading called “Outlive Your Life.” 


 What is the theme of this chapter?

I think the theme for chapter 6 is Spreading the Holy Gospel

 What specific evidence do you have for this?

I got the idea that theme Is rejoicing because of page 55, “The believed met together in the temple every day, they ate together in there homes, happy to share their food with joyful hearts.” Acts 2:46. “Every day in the temple they continued teaching the people and telling the good news- that Jesus is Christ.” I think we should take from this that not only did they spread the news then but the want us to spread Gods new now.

 What are the author’s main points? How do they relate to the theme?

I think the authors main point is to show us ways to “open our doors, and opening our hearts” to try something new and to spread the holy gospel just as families did in the temple like I talked about above. This relates to the theme because Throughout this chapter it talks about spreading spreading spreading so that’s what I think the authors main point Is.

 Are there any ideas that are implied? How and why?

I think the main idea that is implied is on page 56. “Do you have  front door? A table? Chairs? Bread and meat for sandwiches? Congratulations! You just qualified to serve in the most ancient of ministries: Hospitality.” We have so much that we don’t even realize so what the authors pointing our is why don’t we try to help others have this great life that we have.

 What do you think the author’s goal was, and did he achieve it?

I think the goal was to encourage others to do things that we or at least I might never have the guts to do. I think one quote that kind of stook with me was on page 57 “Address the needs of your guess. First century hospitality included foot washing. Modern day hospitality includes the sharing of food and drink. No television, no music, but the chance for them to share.” I think that the authors story was leading up to this quote. To tell others different ways to allow them to share and possibly you to invite Christ into there lives.

Outlive Your Life review 4

Ashlyn DeBoer

Hello my name is Ashlyn DeBoer and today I am writing as a book critic for my Religion 8 class.


 What is the theme of this chapter?

Theme for chapter 4- Gods Gift In All Ways

 What specific evidence do you have for this?

On page 34 it quotes “The cold milk stirred images of one of Gods Great gifts.” In the paragraph where this quote is mentioned it talks about how sometimes we will spend time “dipping and slurping” our way through some things that most people can’t in a more critical time in our and even there lives.

 What are the author’s main points? How do they relate to the theme?

I think the authors main point in chapter 4 is to show us how somtimes we will make an effort to do good for others then we will get distracted (page 34). For instance community work, somtimes we will be working and a second later we will be off task talking to others about something that I’m sure is less important that helping others who needs it more than us.

 Are there any ideas that are implied? How and why? 

I think the main idea that is implied is two words Helping others. On page 38 it says, “Tel, me what your doing, I’m going to give you a second chance. This police officer saw this guy in a older car driving and speeding. He never really did anything wrong until then. The police offer helped him out and told him that he would give him a second chance as an example. This is how he helped and why as an example.

 What do you think the author’s goal was, and did he achieve it?

I think the authors goal was to express to others in different ways how helping others really helps. On 38 it says “The grain to grain process is a demanding one” in my opionion this is showing us how this may be a process and for others it might not be but If we take this as a chance to help others that process with pay off. And yes I do think the author achieved this goal.

Outlive Your Life Chapter 3 review

 What is the theme of this chapter?

I think the main theme for chapter 3 is Let God unshell you

 What specific evidence do you have for this?

On page 23 it quotes, “Why just last week someone told me about regions of the world that have no clean water, without my clamshell to protect me who knows what I would have done.” I feel like she is trying to show us that we don’t only have to rely on our clamshells as it says above but what I see is her trying to show us that we have a God to that we can rely on.

 What are the author’s main points? How do they relate to the theme?

I feel like the author was trying to give us a better point of view on ways we can rely on others instead of putting al, our trust in one thing. She quotes, “How can we change the world when we can’t even change our bad habits.” Right after that she said “Best to climb in and shut the shell, right?” I think when we are in our darkest times we like to just shut the shell instead of trying to come up with a solution.

 Are there any ideas that are implied? How and why?

I think the main idea that is implied in this story is to not just shut everything up and bundle our feelings up inside but instead to just pray and let God help us and rely on him not on what might happen if we keep our feelings bundled up inside.

 What do you think the author’s goal was, and did he achieve it?

I think just like I said above that the authors main Goal was to help those who might not have that one friend you can trust in to keep what your feeling to themselves but instead to tell God your felling and as it says above each page “Let God unshell you.”


Outlive Your Life Chapter she 1 and 2

Ashlyn DeBoer

Hello, my name is Ashlyn DeBoer and today I am writing for my Religion 8 class for this book we are reading called, “Outlive Your Life.” 


 What is the theme of this chapter? Theme for chapter 1- Putting others before yourself. Theme for chapter 2- Encouragement

 What specific evidence do you have for this?

On page 13 it quotes, “My name is Edith, and I help cancer patients.” This related to my theme encouragement because she is impacting others to help, help, help. On page 5 it says, “As a result, 10 million of them die each year from diarrhea, a true respiratory illness, and measles.” This is showing not only me but others how much people go through things that we don’t realize each day. This makes everyone want to help make an impact on others.

 What are the author’s main points? How do they relate to the theme?

i think the authors main points are to show how much impact it can make on ones life if you (as simple as) donating money, or just talking to them. This realates to my theme because Putting others before yourself is the same as making an impact, helping them before you watch tv or go shopping. And last encouragement which relates because I feel like all of these points she makes throughout this book is trying to encourage others to take that extra step and reach out.

 Are there any ideas that are implied? How and why?

I think the main idea implied is just like I keep repeating above is how much an impact can help and how much it shows the poor how much we care about them. How, we can do this pretty much everywhere. The numbers in the book mentioned are so big that I’m pretty sure everywhere you go, your chance of seeing someone who’s hungry or poor is pretty large. “1.75 billion people are desperately poor.”

 What do you think the author’s goal was, and did he achieve it?

i think the authors main goal was to show us what others are going through. Also to show us how good of a life we have now, and what our life could look like to others. I think with all the facts and all the points the author made in this book that she definitely achieved this goal.

Outlive Your Life: Chapters 1&2 Review

Ashlyn DeBoer

Hello, my name is Ashlyn DeBoer and I’m am writing about connections in the book of acts as well as connections in the book “Outlive you life.”

Acts connections now- As it says in the book I see a connection with the verse Acts 1:8, “You will be my witness in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to all the ends of the Earth.” This is taking about one theme, witness. Not just being a witness for others but being a witness for God. I see myself being more of witness for God after reading the book of Act now than ever.

Acts connections I’d like to see more- I would like to make more connections in acts such as being more of a quote on quote listener/understander more less than being a follower. When I say this I mean I don’t want to just read the Bible just to read it but I want to be able to comprehend it. For instance the book of Acts. Some of the words and names that are used in the Bible that somtimes we don’t know that we skip over. Instead of just skipping over them I want to do more reasearch and get more of an understanding of those words or names.

Outlive you life connections- Some connections I see Outlive you life is putting others before myself. One character I can relate to is Edith who helps cancer patients. I see myself caring more for others whether that’s in public or with my own brother more than I used to.

Outlive Your Life connections I’d like to see more of- I would like to see myself doing more volentier work. In the book, on page 13 it says, “They turned one of Church classrooms into a factory of volunteer seamstresses.” This shows how much they care for not only the Church and spreading His word but creating a environment for others.



My First Post

Dog on bed

My favorite animal

My favorite animal is a Teacup Maltese. I love these animals because they’re so small and you can take them anywhere you go. I have a Maltese right now but it’s not a teacup, because they are so pricey. But I hope when I get older I can get one.

Some other favorite animals

  • Pandas
    • kholas
  • Sea Horses
  • monkeys
  • penguins




Lincoln Lutheran School Logo

Why do I have a website?

So, you have a website now. You’re probably wondering why. Well, there are a couple of reasons (in no particular order):

  • To establish your online identity. Having your own website will give you a little more control over what people find when they search for your name. Instead of finding random links that you have no control over,  they will see the interesting things that you’ve been working on.
  • Getting a job can be easier. Most employers will search for your name as part of their hiring process. Having your own great looking website can really show employers that you are talented and that you care about the work that you do. Employers can learn more about you and see examples of the kind of work you can do. You can even put your resume on your website.
  • Getting into the college you want can be easier too. Just like employers, college admission counselors also search for college applicants names. This gives you a chance to be in control of what they see and to show them your interests and accomplishments as well as the kind of work you are capable of producing.
  • Reach an actual audience. When you write a great paper, wouldn’t it be nice to have more people read it than just your teacher? Share your work with your friends and with the world. Many people find that they write better (or at least more thoughtfully) if they know more people will read what they wrote.
  • Showcase your talents in one place. It doesn’t matter whether your talents are in writing, drawing, singing, playing an instrument, acting, video editing, sports, academics, communicating or anything else. A website gives you a chance to shine.
  • Learn how to build a website. We’re using WordPress to build our websites, and WordPress is used by about 25% of the sites on the internet. The Wall Street Journal, General Motors, The Rolling Stones, Microsoft and NASA use WordPress. And that’s not to mention several famous individuals: Kobe Bryant, Katy Perry, Jay-Z, Chuck Yeager, Garth Brooks and Mr. Sommerer. Being able to build a website is a valuable skill.

By the way, you can delete this post when you’re done reading it. If you leave it on your site, it will seem a little odd to people. There are a couple of more interesting things you could do instead of deleting it:

  1. You could rewrite the top part in your own words. It’s pretty common to have a post (or page if you prefer) saying why you are building a website. But you don’t have to do that. It’s okay to have a website without that too.
  2. Instead of deleting it (in WordPress they use the phrase “Trash” or “Move to Trash”) , there are two other things you could do to this post. You can change it’s Status from “Published” to “Draft”. Then it will be available to you in the admin section of your website, but people who visit your site won’t see it. Or, you could change the Visibility from “Public” to “Private”. If you do that, then you’ll still see it on your website (if you are logged in), but other people will not.
The front of Lincoln Lutheran Middle/High School

What can I put on my website?

Short Answer: It’s your website; put anything you want on it. Make sure it is professional, thoughtful and kind.

Longer Answer: You will occasionally be asked by one of your teachers to put something that you create for class on your website. They might do this to help you share something great that you did with the rest of the world. They might do it so that you can get feedback from a wider audience. But I hope you also put things up just because you want to. A recap of your latest game? Something in the world that you want to share your opinion about? The cute thing your little sister did? What you thought about the book you read? The Movie you saw? The possibilities are endless.

But remember, the whole world can read what you write. Make sure you proof read it before you publish it. Make sure it’s not Too Much Information (don’t share things that are too personal). Make sure it’s kind.

Finally, your website should look professional. Your website isn’t Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Posts to your website should have some thought and substance to them.  Pick the right tool for how you want to communicate. Sometimes that will be Facebook, sometimes Twitter and sometimes it will be your website.

By the way, you can delete this post when you’re done reading it. If you leave it on your site, it will seem a little odd to people.

The front of Lincoln Lutheran Middle/High School

Advice on running your website

Congratulations, you now have a website. You might be wondering, “Why do I have a website?” That’s a question for a different post. Of course, having a website is a little bit of a responsibility. Here are some things that you should keep in mind now that you have one.

  • Don’t post information that is too personal on your website. You shouldn’t post your address or phone number. You shouldn’t post anything that you would be upset about if everyone in the school (or the world) found out about.
  • Give people a little context before you start writing. You might start a post off with something like this, “This post is a reflection on the third chapter of John Steinbeck’s novel, Of Mice and Men. I wrote this when I was in 10th grade for English class.”
  • People will eventually comment on things that you put on your website. If the comment looks like spam, you should delete it. If you don’t delete it, you will get a lot more spam. They target people who do not delete spam. If a comment isn’t nice, you should delete it too. You want your website to be a nice spot to visit.
  • Try to avoid being negative. If there’s something that you want to write about and it sounds like a complaint, why not try to write it as a suggestion on how something can be improved instead. I’m sure you get bonus points every time your website makes the world a better place.
  • Be a little bit selective about what you decide to put on your website. It should be a little more professional than Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
  • What you write is more important than how your website looks, but having a good looking website says something to your visitors too. If you need help with your website, ask someone who has a nice looking website. Or you can ask at help.lincolnlutheran.org. You can also stop by the Tech Center.
  • How you classify posts is important. Always click on a Class and Grade before you post. If it applies, click on one or more Categories and Interests as well. This will help other people find what they are looking for on your site.
  • You can add other Interests (or delete some). You do that from the Posts menu. You can also add Classes. In fact, you’ll have to. Pro Tip: You can say item they should appear under by setting the Parent item. Once you add more Interests or Categories, remember to put them in your menu as well. You’ll find that under Appearance.
  • In the Plugins menu, there are other tools that you can add to your website. But don’t keep them unless you use them, because every plugin slows your website down a little bit.  After you get good at using the basic WordPress tools, and you’ve written a few dozen posts, you can upgrade your account to have access to more tools.
  • Most of the content on your website will be posts, but you can also publish pages. You use pages for things that will never (or very seldom) change. If you make a page, don’t forget to add it to your menu.
  • Images can make your website more fun. Sometimes it’s easy to pick an image. Just take a picture of what you are writing about. But remember that if you use an image off the internet that you should have permission to use it. You can get images like that from Google or Flickr. Those links go to the sections of Google and Flickr image search where people put images for other people to use.

By the way, you should probably make it so that other people can’t see this post. There’s a lot of advice here, so rather than delete it, do one of these things: Change it’s Status from “Published” to “Draft”. Then it will be available to you in the admin section of your website, but people who visit your site won’t see it. Or, you could change the Visibility from “Public” to “Private”. If you do that, then you’ll still see it on your website (if you are logged in), but other people will not.