Outlive Your Life Chapter she 1 and 2

Ashlyn DeBoer

Hello, my name is Ashlyn DeBoer and today I am writing for my Religion 8 class for this book we are reading called, “Outlive Your Life.” 


 What is the theme of this chapter? Theme for chapter 1- Putting others before yourself. Theme for chapter 2- Encouragement

 What specific evidence do you have for this?

On page 13 it quotes, “My name is Edith, and I help cancer patients.” This related to my theme encouragement because she is impacting others to help, help, help. On page 5 it says, “As a result, 10 million of them die each year from diarrhea, a true respiratory illness, and measles.” This is showing not only me but others how much people go through things that we don’t realize each day. This makes everyone want to help make an impact on others.

 What are the author’s main points? How do they relate to the theme?

i think the authors main points are to show how much impact it can make on ones life if you (as simple as) donating money, or just talking to them. This realates to my theme because Putting others before yourself is the same as making an impact, helping them before you watch tv or go shopping. And last encouragement which relates because I feel like all of these points she makes throughout this book is trying to encourage others to take that extra step and reach out.

 Are there any ideas that are implied? How and why?

I think the main idea implied is just like I keep repeating above is how much an impact can help and how much it shows the poor how much we care about them. How, we can do this pretty much everywhere. The numbers in the book mentioned are so big that I’m pretty sure everywhere you go, your chance of seeing someone who’s hungry or poor is pretty large. “1.75 billion people are desperately poor.”

 What do you think the author’s goal was, and did he achieve it?

i think the authors main goal was to show us what others are going through. Also to show us how good of a life we have now, and what our life could look like to others. I think with all the facts and all the points the author made in this book that she definitely achieved this goal.

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