16th Birthdays


For my video editing project, I decided to do a video of both my cousins and I’s 16th Birthdays. I everyone who went on both vacations for pictures and videos, edited them, and put them in the video. This was quite the process becuase I had to match the pictures and videos to the beat of the music. As you watch the part on Turks and Caicos, you will hear what my cousin Dylan thought about his 16th birthday! Throughout my half of the video, you will learn about the different islands we went to and what we did there.

I really enjoyed creating this video. Not only to look back at in the future, but my grandparents to, who took us on the trips. I plan to continue making videos for my brothers 16th and my other cousins. I’m not sure if we’ll be able to go this year, with the virus… but we are hoping to do my brothers birthday next year! I will either be continuing their birthdays on this video, or making a new one for their birthdays. Either way, it will be really fun to look back on in the future!









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